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Meet the team: Collette Evans

Collette Evans | Sales Administration Manager

What’s involved within your role?

I’m currently involved in the checks and traceability processes for new products, packaging and artwork set up and approvals. I also help to support the external sales team and deal with other administrative processes within the office. Having broad shoulders helps me with this role and also being tenacious.

Your life before Liquid Science?

I have lived in many places/countries as part of a military family and a significant other. I’ve worked for a company that provided incentive and rewards programs for blue chips companies, being the champion of the admin department for the implementation of BS5750*.
*possibly showing my age now…

Other roles I’ve had include production manager, purchasing and being part of a team involved in program testing and implementation, and have also managed admin departments.


My favourite thing to do is to be in the sun, so I like to travel. Eating copious amounts of chocolate…mainly Revels even the coffee ones.

Why did you join Liquid Science?

I worked in the building (currently home to Liquid Science) for many years prior to Liquid Science purchasing it; so remembering the route and how long it takes to travel to work was simple.

I also had an impromptu meeting with the Sales Director, Ian, so our paths had crossed before a position became available at LS. I like to call it destiny …not sure how Ian would describe it! I knew nothing about this industry but saw this as an advantage to have a fresh point of view.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

Every day is a new day and I like a challenge. My role at LS has been varied during my 3 years here.

LS is supportive and quick to recognise and encourage people’s strengths.

What’s your most hated household chore?

Cleaning the oven! However fortunately we supply oven cleaning products to companies; so I now know a company that can come and do that for me.

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

To be able to detect the presence of a ‘spider’ before entering a room so that I can call for help to get rid of it before I see it.

Tell us one fun fact about yourself?

I lived in Berlin when the wall came down and had to rush out of the apartment to go be part of the celebrations and take photos before it was torn down. I also purchased a chunk of the wall for 2 Deutsche Marks.

Also, I once had a fake birthday celebration on the QE2 courtesy of one of my sisters and best friends, who tried to embarrass me purely for their pleasure, not mine – I was mortified as don’t like being the centre of attention

I’m currently watching…

Dahmer, The Midnight Club and The Cry.

I also watch Friends daily and still laugh out loud and cry just as I did the first time I watched it.


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