
All the latest news from Liquid Science


Our Environmental Responsibility


We comprehend the paramount importance of mitigating the environmental impact of our packaging choices.

Here’s a glimpse into our initiatives to craft a greener future:

Recycling Advocacy: We actively champion the recycling of our containers. Many of our packaging options are meticulously designed with recyclability in mind, reducing the overall carbon footprint.

Waste Reduction: Our focus on bulk packaging and customised solutions translates into reduced waste stemming from excessive packaging materials.

Sustainable Materials: We maintain an unwavering commitment to researching and adopting sustainable packaging materials. This involves exploring alternatives such as bio-based plastics and other materials with a diminished environmental footprint.

Collaborative Endeavours: We closely collaborate with our clients to comprehend their sustainability objectives and subsequently engineer packaging solutions in alignment with their values and environmental aspirations.

At Liquid Science, we firmly believe that innovative packaging solutions pave the path towards a more sustainable future. Our dedication to delivering premium products enveloped in environmentally conscious packaging, sets us apart within the chemical manufacturing industry.

For enquiries regarding our packaging solutions or to initiate a discussion on how we can tailor our services to meet your specific requirements, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Embrace our mission to protect both your products and our planet with sustainable packaging solutions that truly make a difference. Together, we can forge a brighter and more eco-conscious future.


Get in touch with our
friendly team today,
call +44(0)1282 831251 or email

We’ve worked with Liquid Science for many years and thoroughly recommend their manufacturing services, their customer service and production teams go above and beyond to ensure our products are made to the highest standards possible.

Bryan Gates,Sales & Marketing Director, CORGI Controls Ltd.